What is The Best Treatment For Anemia?

What is anemia? Anemia is the depletion in the number of red blood cells in the body. Hemoglobin is the main protein in the blood that transports oxygen to the entire body. During anemia, your hemoglobin level will be low, resulting in low oxygen in the tissues and organs. Anemia is the most common form of blood disorder prevalent in a vast majority of the population. Though men and women have different levels of hemoglobin, it usually affects women more. For men, a normal hemoglobin level is typically above 13.5 gm/100 ml, while women tend to have a lower range (more than 12.0 gm/100 ml). Anemia mostly occurs in response to other health issues that interfere with the body’s function to trigger red blood cell production. Sometimes, the body breakdowns these cells, which also leads to anemia. Let’s learn more about anemia in detail. Certain forms of anemia can be genetically influenced. Infants may have anemia from birth also. Menstruation in women is t...